Friday, July 18, 2014

Bed Rest Day 7 - 1/3 Complete!

I officially completed 1/3 of my bed rest prescription yesterday! Time is... moving a at a glacial pace! But at least it means that little guy is still baking. Yesterday was a day for avoiding reality and the 24 hours news cycle for me. Between the violence in Gaza and the horrendous news about Malaysia Flight 17, I had to bury my head a bit.

Per usual, Harrison went to work and I built my nest on the couch. I am attempting to perfect lap desk placement, but my belly makes it hard to type comfortably, since my arms need to be completely stretched out! #bedrestprobz

This is my home now.

  • I had my weekly check-ins with my two bosses, and man I love them. They are the kindest, most compassionate people, and I feel really lucky to work for people who are 100% supportive of this less-than-ideal situation I find myself in. One of them actually recently had his third child, and his wife faced similar issues, receiving a cerclage at 20 weeks. It's nice to be able to easily explain my situation to a person who has actually dealt with the emotional ups and downs for a rebellious cervix. By the way, they are very supportive of me working from home for 2 more weeks. How did I get so lucky?
  • Netflix... what would I do without you? Seriously, this may be the prime technological era to be confined to bed (and in Sillicon Valley). I mean, I have an app to get groceries delivered to my front door, which is pretty great. And Netflix is making my life bearable. I had a pretty hard time concentrating on work yesterday, so I watched the documentary 20 Feet from Stardom in the morning, which is about the incredible backup singers that worked with bands./artists like the Rolling Stones and Tina Turner. Speaking of which, Tina Turner was a BABE. I think I'm obsessed with her. And just as soon as I'm allowed to use my legs, I think I'm going to be working towards Tina Turner legs on my runs and workouts. It was a great movie, and my mom should DEFINITELY watch it, because it's got a lot of Mick.
  • I also watched, for the 47th time, The Sweetest Thing. I turned it on because it has great San Francisco eye-porn, and I miss my little city. It is such a funny, totally raunchy movie, and super enjoyable. I have no idea if people remember this movie or loved it as much as I did, but it's definitely the pre-cursor to other raunchy female comedies, like Bridesmaids. It's over the top and hilarious. Christina Applegate is a national treasure.
  • Harry made me tacos for dinner and we finally watched the Season 2 finale of Orange is the New Black.  I thought it was kind of a slow episode, but the ending made it worthwhile. Finally! I can't wait for next season.

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