Thursday, July 31, 2014

35 Weeks

35 Weeks Pregnant and 35 Days until Due Date

Still pregnant. Yep, just chugging along. Maybe we can make it two more weeks to term? At this point, it wouldn't surprise me. But we'll see how many more hospital visits we have before then.

I returned to work today and it was tiring. My back is not very happy about being upright all day, nor are my sausage feet. On the upside, I work in start-up land, and we have an ice cream freezer at work and unlimited snacks, so today, for the first time since working there, I ate a Twix ice cream bar. It was delicious. My savior of a boss also said that working half days when I needed would be totally fine, for which I'm very thankful. I left the office at about 3, after all my meetings, and am now safely back on my couch. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, right? Well I think I had just adjusted to the sloth life over the weekend. I guess I'll have another go at it once maternity leave begins.

Baby to Produce Comparison: Large Cantaloupe? But really, small baby sized.

Sleep: It's hard to fall asleep but I love it when I can get it. I'm still having insane dreams and making at least three bathroom trips every night.

Best Moment this Week: I'm boycotting this question because my best moment is always food-based and it's making me question my emotional eating habits.

Movement: Ouch. It's starting to hurt. My stomach is really tender to the touch, and according to the internet this has to do with internal bruising from the giant baby fighting for space in my abdomen. I can tell that he doesn't have as much room to make big movements any more, but I feel a lot of taps and rolls, on both ends.

Symptoms: Well, I seem to be getting bigger by the day. I also keep running into doorways, chairs, and other humans with my belly.Lots of cramping, lots of practice-lactation, lots of emotions. Maybe we are getting close.

What I Miss: Running. All the things I've already mentioned.

Cravings: Bagels and Cream Cheese. Ice Cream. Breakfast burritos.

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