34 Week Belly with Bonus Spirit Animal |
Bed Rest Day 14
42 Days until Due Date
First the weekly update:
Baby to Produce Comparison: Pineapple. Or, small baby sized? The apps are telling me that he's about 4.9 lbs now, but since he was estimated at 4.75 two weeks ago, I think that's on the small side.
Sleep: Depends on the day. Still getting up at least 3 times a night and waking to very achy hips and lower abdomen. Rolling myself over to switch sides has become an Olympic caliber sport. One day I can't sleep past 5 AM, the next (today) I oversleep my alarm by an hour.
Best Moment this Week: It's pretty hard to pick "best moments" when I am just trying to make it through each day. I think it was probably having my mom and sister sitting with me in the hospital, sneaking me snacks and making me laugh about my mom's amazing hospital badge photo They take photos and attach passes to all visitors, probably to prevent baby snatchers from getting in. My mom's is so good. If I hadn't promised her that it would only go in the baby book, I would post a photo here. But I love you mom, and I'll keep it for my own enjoyment.
Are you not entertained? |
Gender: Still a boy and not a puppy. Why is this question relevant to a weekly update? Where is the logic??
Movement: He certainly seems to be enjoying himself in there. At least one of us is active. Today he's a little mellow, but his kicks and rolls are getting pretty strong. Last night he was kicking me repeatedly in the side while I tried to fall asleep. It was delightful.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Constant urination. Constant. My favorite is when I don't realize that I need to pee until Chalupa decides to punch and/or headbutt my bladder like it's a soccer ball, and I have the sudden sensation that I'm going to wet myself. He really likes to do this when I'm on the phone for work. You know what else they don't tell you? It hurts to empty your bladder. And no, this isn't a UTI or infection, it's the pain of your uterus settling back into place after your bladder deflates. Isn't that charming? It feels especially good at 4 AM. I am also dying of heat. Late pregnancy in the summer time is something I never wanted to experience. And it's supposed to be 95 tomorrow. Awesome.
Sup Ladies? |
What I Miss: Everything I have ever enjoyed doing? Exercise. Good soft cheese. Abdominal strength. The OBGYN receptionists not knowing my name.
Cravings: Lemonade. Sparkling anything. Potatoes (all forms). Salty margaritas. Cheesecake. Dairy.
AAAND... today in bed rest:
- Went to therapy. I dreaded it as always, but was happy I went after the fact (as always)
- More phone interviews and dialing into meetings - happy I've stayed relatively effective in my isolation
- Watched Work Out on Netflix. It's an old reality show about personal trainers. I might as well watch really fit people be fit without me.
- Read this and felt sad about the state of the world.
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