Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Doctor's Update Week 36

We had our weekly check in today, and things are still slowly progressing. I'm now dilated to 4 cm and about 75% effaced (thinned out).  My belly is measuring ahead now, a whopping 37 cm (though this could have had to do with the appointment being right after lunch). Baby is at -2 station, meaning that he has descended into my pelvis, but isn't quite engaged yet. That effacement stat surprised me a bit, since I assumed I was pretty much totally effaced, given the cervical measurement scare. But, I guess the Ultrasound measurement is looking at the opening, and not the edges of the cervix. Since I'd like to share my night terrors with you, take a look at this awesome dilation chart! You'l never think of a Ritz Cracker the same way. You're welcome!

I asked Dr. Parman if at some point my body would kick into labor if I kept dilating. She said that it's not always the case that women go into active or noticeable labor until the very end, or the pushing phase. However, if I were to go in for our weekly check and be dilated to a 6 or 7, we would probably talk about how to proceed to avoid a surprise home delivery, since chances are that when I go, I will go very quickly. That might necessitate an induction of some sort, but I would want to keep our methods on the natural side. So, we'll see what happens. More waiting!

I was a little bummed because I thought that I was going to be able to stop using the progesterone tomorrow, but it turns out that if we go by the book, I should be using it for one more week. So unfortunately I don't get to be synthetic hormone free just yet.

We also had a quick ultrasound today to triple check that baby is head down. With my waters bulging, Dr. Parman didn't want to push too hard to make sure it was head she was feeling, and risk breaking the bag. So, we got another glimpse of our not so tiny guy. He was practicing breathing again, and if I may say, his head looks HUGE. Terrifying. As she was measuring my water, we got a bonus shot of, wait for it, a giant pair of testicles. Clear as day. More terrifying. Apparently they are quite large when born, because of swelling from the water. As someone who never imagined having a son, this was a little alarming. But, just as I've gotten accustomed to pelvic exams, I'm sure I'll get used to this as well.

So, that's about it. Still pregnant after all this drama. One week until "term." We're ready!

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